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Writer's pictureTiffany Rhea

Word of The Year 2025: Dare. Plus, 50 Word of The Year Ideas To Set Your Intentions and Goals.

I actually have two words for this year:

Dare and Trust.

Before you ask, yes, you can have more than one word. It is your life. Your intentions. Your ideas. Your goals and wishes. Our lives are not monolithic and rarely do we see just one event or milestone unfold within our year. Therefore, choose whatever word, phrase, quote you would like to set your intentions for the next 12 months.

I chose the word "Dare" because it is a challenge to be true to myself, actually. A big question I have been asking myself is this:

"Is what I am currently doing what I really want to be doing? And if the answer is no, do I dare walk away or make the changes necessary?"

Really, I am asking myself two questions. My answer to those questions? The first one is that I am not entirely sure. I believe that over the next several months, I will have a clearer understanding and can answer this question. My answer to the second question? Even if I am scared to death, yes. 1000%.

My challenge to myself for the next year is to Dare to do what I believe is best for me.

Dare to move.

Dare to choose.

Dare to leave if I need to leave.

Dare to change my mind.

Dare to defy the expectations and the limitations set on me by those who think they know better.

Dare to take up space.

Dare to write my thoughts and stay true to myself.

Dare to trust my instincts, and trust God more with what He has planned for me and trust Him with the skills and gifts He instilled in me.

Trust in His calling on my life. Trust is the second word that I am setting for 2025. Isaiah 40:28-31 says:

Have you never heard?
Have you never understood?
The lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
Even youths will become weak and tired,
and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.

The context of Isaiah 40 was written to encourage Israel during a time of exile and captivity. They had sinned, and therefore, they were dragged off by the babylonians and living without the freedoms they had been accustomed. Now, they were in chains....and waiting for the Lord's return and for His favor once again.

There have been multiple moments throughout my lifetime that I have failed to trust God. There are also multiple moments where I have trusted God. Trusting Him does not mean that I will get my way in the life. To the contrary, sometimes life can be so topsy turvy that I have nowhere else to go but to God, believing that He ultimately sees me and cares for me. In essence, I want to get back to the girl who trusted God with every bone in her body and with every core. I am older now, obviously. Jury is out if I am wiser (ha!). However, I am setting my intent to lean in to Him in every season, the good and the uncertain, instead of leaning toward the outside sources that threaten to distract and provide a false sense of security and hope.

Here is to daring and trusting in 2025.

I wanted to provide you with 50 word of the year ideas for you to choose from, so that you can set your intentions. This is not an exhaustive list, and I would love to hear about what you have come up with.

50 Word of The Year Ideas

  1. Resilience

  2. Solidarity

  3. Adaptation

  4. Disruption

  5. Innovation

  6. Sustainability

  7. Equality

  8. Empathy

  9. Connection

  10. Community

  11. Hope

  12. Courage

  13. Perseverance

  14. Gratitude

  15. Kindness

  16. Compassion

  17. Justice

  18. Peace

  19. Love

  20. Joy

  21. Growth

  22. Transformation

  23. Empowerment

  24. Authenticity

  25. Purpose

  26. Balance

  27. Mindfulness

  28. Well-being

  29. Health

  30. Happiness

  31. Freedom

  32. Choice

  33. Opportunity

  34. Progress

  35. Success

  36. Failure

  37. Risk

  38. Change

  39. Uncertainty

  40. Crisis

  41. Loss

  42. Grief

  43. Healing

  44. Forgiveness

  45. Acceptance

  46. Patience

  47. Trust

  48. Honesty

  49. Integrity

  50. Responsibility

Rooting you on.

Your Dream BuildHer Bestie,

Tiffany Rhea

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