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Writer's pictureTiffany Rhea

Empowering Women Who Dream & Do: 7 Strategies to Boost Confidence

In today's world, which is fast paced and ever changing, more women than ever are making incredible strides in business and in their communities. From education to companies breaking ground and even the influence they yield within social media platforms, it is incredibly exciting to see what is taking place for women. The change is transformative and encouraging. Of course, we still have some work to do, but we can't say that we no longer have a voice or a leg to stand on.

We are women and we are coming in hot.

Personally, I love that more and more women are making money and gaining confidence to build a live of their dreams and on their terms. They also are able to do this while being a wife and a mother and running a household. Some of them even choose to go back to school and obtain a degree, work full time, take care of their families and serve others. Granted, we must encourage these women to find a healthy balance and routine in their lives to avoid burnout and unneccesary stress (that is a future blog post!), but we should also applaud and support these women for wanting to lilve a life they dreamed of and are willing to do the work that is necessary to make that happen.

Women like you want to make a living and make an impact. I am so proud of you.

However, I hear from many of you some of the stuggles you face and the self-doubt you hear on a regular basis. It is time to change the tapes and I want you to have a boost of confidence as you do your thing. I have seven strategies that are sure to help you and give you a little extra pep in your step. Whether you wear sneakers and heels or flip-flops, this is for you.

Let's not delay shall we?

Invest in Growing and Learning:

Knowledge is power. Whatever field or interest you have currently, make the most of the resources that are available to you to continously be in a state of learning. Take workshops, invest in a weekend conference, take a class offered at your local community center or on youtube. Another great option is to subscribe to your chosen industry publications (many of these are now in digital format and delivered right to your inbox). Any time you can become even more of an expert in your work, the better it is that you will be able to offer even more value to those you serve. That's why you started, right?!

Set and Achieve Realistic Goals:

We talked about this idea in the Dreamer to Doer Guide (did you get yours yet?), but the whole point of this concept is not to sell yourself short, but to help boost momentum and confidence in yourself as you achieve each goal that you have set. Making them small, and easier to digest will help you to not see that big dream you have set as intimidating as it may have first appeared. If you have ever read the book, The Compound Effect, this idea of small, consistent habits done over time equal big results. The same can be said for taking a big idea, and breaking it down in smaller chunks, and consistently doing the action steps to reach those goals, and eventually seeing the dream realized in whole.

Network and Make Friends:

I ceated Dream BuildHer for exactly this reason. For the women who dream and do and want to connect with likeminded women. Not everyone is wanting to be a CEO of a fortune 500 company, but they do have dreams and a desire to serve and create solutions to the problems they are seeing in their world and communities. Surrounding yourself with other women who are like you is an absolute game changer. Whereever you reside or work, search networking events, find groups to be a part of, events pertaining to your specific industry. Then, go! Make some friends. Find others to collaborate with and get inspiration from other women who are dreaming and doing, just like you. There is something so empowering about being in a room filled with incredible women who are doing incredible things.

Meditate and Affirmations:

What you say to yourself matters. How we talk to ourselves matters. So, if you are experiencing some self-doubt in what you are doing, I encourage you to find quotes and affirmations that you can recite and speak over yourself. I love finding quotes that inspire me and encourage me and I have a pinterest board that I add to regularly. Create a daily habit of personal care, where you can be still, journal, pray, and even say out loud positive and encouraging words.

Have a Life Outside of Your Work:

You are not made to work 24-7, 365 days a year. You are a woman who more than likely has a very full plate and a laundry list of responsibilities. You must make time for yourself. Have some fun. Enjoy your hobbies, go on girls trips, try new things. Take family vacations and unplug. You are more than your work. Try out that new gym or fitness class you have been dying to try. Create a healthy balance in your life of fun and service. When our souls are happy, it reflects in the work we do.

Talk About Your Wins:

I have heard it said that you shouldn't brag about your achievements and that if you talk about your wins, then you are not humble. I am telling you to flip that damn script right now. There is a difference between being an arrogant and haughty woman, and a woman who is proud of what she has done because she knows people were positively helped and impacted by the work. So, when you experience a big win, you want to know what really pumps you up to do more? Shouting it! Celebrating what you achieved. Why would you do what you do if you didn't want to see success in this area. Even if you didn't have a business, but you achieved something incredible (like completing your first half marathon), why would you keep that to yourself? Don't worry so much about what others think. Easier said than done, I know. Celebrate yourself and those wins! I want to hear them.

Share the Wealth (i.e. Your Story):

After you share your wins, help others be able to one day do the same. Vulnerability and transparency does something for those who are watching. Even if they are silent observers, they are listening to what you are saying. They are watching what you are doing. They may not be ready to come out from the sidelines and share what they are dealing with, but your willingness to be brave and show the world that you wrestled and you overcame will impact others. Even if it is just one person, that one person is enough to motivate you to keep going and keep sharing and to keep doing the work you want to do.

These steps take time, patience, effort and often some refining. You will experience seasons in your life and in your work where doing all of these may not be possible. Having a checklist to see what areas need to be tended to in your life can be incredibly helpful. Think of it as a self-care check in. Just as you would go to your doctor to check on your physical health, mental health is incredibly important for the female dreamer and doer.

You got this, babe. I am rooting for you!

Your Dream BuildHer Bestie,

Tiffany Rhea


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